
Managing patient healthcare documents requires coordinating a wide volume and variety of content — patient records, financial records, insurance forms, prescriptions, physician’s orders, X-rays and more. eViewer provides hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and medical research institutions with not only powerful document viewing technology to display PDFs, scanned, and faxed documents, but also view DICOM medical images from a single application.

Due to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and HITECH, protecting patient data has become even more important. eViewer is able to automatically redact with AI, Smart Redaction™, confidential patent data before transmitting documents to third-parties including details such as name, race, sex, account number, and other private details. eViewer preserves initial document integrity allowing you to control access and keep an audit trail for all records and annotations are applied in layers. eViewer also provides administrative control through an easy-to-configure user interface making it easy to establish and manage user permissions.

The healthcare industry trusts eViewer in their systems:

  • Gain immediate access to all content — Display any number of formats withing eViewer without the need for creator applications such as Adobe Acrobat or MS Office.
  • eViewer can open virtually any file format via any web browser without needing other applications or conversion of the file including MS Office, IBM MODCA, CAD, DICOM, and more.
  • Smart Redaction™ — Confidently and effectively protect data to be compliant with HITECH, HIPAA, GRPD, and CCPA regulations.
  • eViewer can be integrated into almost every IT system. eViewer has a vast number of REST APIs to enable system integrators to integrated eViewer into any number of workflow applications and ECMS including IBM FileNet P8, IBM Content Manager 8, Pegasystems, Salesforce, OpenText Documentum, and many others including proprietary government systems.

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