- Deployment with Docker Compose
Introduction: Deployment with Docker Compose
Deploying eViewer in a Docker environment allows seamless integration into web applications while minimizing setup complexities. Using Docker Compose, we can define the eViewer service in a docker-compose.yml file, manage dependencies, and quickly spin up the application. By the end of this guide, you will have a fully functional eViewer instance running in a Docker container, accessible through a web browser.
eViewer consists of multiple app services that can be deployed over the Docker Compose. In this guide, we will focus on deploying two specific services of eViewer: eViewer 7 and eViewer server
eViewer v7
Purpose: This service is the primary frontend service required for document viewing, editing, and collaboration features. The docker-compose.yml file script is provided by MST.
Deployment Steps:
Step 1: Create a directory for the project and navigate to it.
Step 2: Create a docker-compose.yml file using the script provided below:
- Services: This defines a service called eviewer7-service.
- Image: Specifies the Docker image to use for this service. For example, mstechinc/eviewer7:<version_tag>. This will be pulled from Docker Hub.
- Container Name: Sets the name of the running container. For example, eviewer7-container.
- Ports: Maps port 80 inside the container to port 8080 (you can change the port if 8080 is already in use). This allows you to access eViewer by visiting http://localhost:8080 in a browser.
Step 3: Run the following command to pull the image and start the service: docker-compose up -d

Purpose: This service is the viewer’s backend component to support advanced functionalities of MS Office document rendering, OCR, document redaction, document comparison, digital signatures, and page cropping.
Deployment Steps:
Step 1: Create a directory for the project and navigate to it.
Step 2: Create a docker-compose.yml file using the script provided below:
- Services: This defines a service called: eviewerserver-service.
- Image: Specifies the Docker image to use for this service. For example, mstechinc/eviewer-server:<version_tag>. This will be pulled from Docker Hub.
- Container Name: Sets the name of the running container. For example, eviewerserver-container.
- Ports: Maps port 8086 inside the container to port 8086 (you can change the port if 8086 is already in use).
- Environment Variables: Includes evSrvrLicenseKey, the eViewer license key provided by MSTech.
Step 3. Run the following command to pull the image and start the service: docker-compose up -d

Step 4: Once deployed, now verify the URL in the browser with http://localhost:8086/api/v1/getCurrentTimeStamp. This will display the current date and time of the server.
By completing these steps, you can successfully deploy eViewer with Docker Compose.